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210 约伯却对她说:你说话象愚顽的妇人一样。哎!难道我们从神手里得福,不也受祸吗?

811 主耶和华说:日子将到,我必命饥荒降在地上。人饥饿非因无饼,干渴非因无水,乃因不听耶和华的话。

1913 我们要毁灭这地方,因为城内罪恶的声音,在耶和华面前甚大,耶和华差我们来,要毁灭这地方。

撒下211 大卫年间有饥荒,一连三年,大卫就求问耶和华。耶和华说:这饥荒是因扫罗和他流人血之家,杀死基遍人。


虽然神会降灾使人受苦,并不能说神是专制魔王。神的审判降灾和魔鬼的恶意攻击有本质的不同,“耶2911 耶和华说:我知道我向你们所怀的意念,是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念,要叫你们末后有指望。神降灾的目的不是为了毁灭而是为了拯救,为了炼净,为了造就,为了更好的存活,永远的存活。恶人却不同:2110 恶人的心,乐人受祸,他眼并不怜恤邻舍。神的心肠是:155 耶路撒冷啊!谁可怜你呢?谁为你悲伤呢?谁转身问你的安呢?太2337 耶路撒冷啊!耶路撒冷啊!你常杀害先知,又用石头打死那奉差遣到你这里来的人。我多次愿意聚集你的儿女,好象母鸡把小鸡聚集在翅膀底下,只是你们不愿意。”

当然神是区别对待的,对不同的人有不同的对待,对作恶的,说没有神的人,神的审判就是毁灭,不信神的人责问上帝也理直气壮,最有代表的是以色列王约兰责问上帝先知(责备上帝)的话:“王下633这灾祸是从耶和华那里来的,我何必再仰望耶和华呢?” “凶手之子约兰说的是事实,以色列人背叛耶和华神拜虚谎的偶像,什么样的信仰带来什么样的生活,因此以色列人各人对邻舍尽行诡诈说谎言,社会上充满贪婪强暴不公平,神就让亚兰王便哈达围困撒玛利亚,城内断粮饥荒,妇人易子而食,以色列王发发牢骚可以理解,可惜这话竟成了没有神的人最喜欢引用来炫耀自己愚昧的名言。试想,如果这灾祸来自耶和华神,你为什么说没有神呢?如果没有神,你为什么把这笔黑账算在神的头上呢?你都不信神,怎么知道信神没有用呢?神明明说“诗篇3318-19耶和华的眼目,看顾敬畏他的人和仰望他慈爱的人;要救他们的命脱离死亡,并使他们在饥荒中存活。你非但不信这话,而且急于定上帝有罪,判上帝无理,为什么还指望他在灾荒中拯救你呢?你们本来是外邦人,与基督无关,在以色列国民以外,在所应许的诸约上是局外人,并且活在世上没有指望,没有神。(弗212,如今神煞费苦心,费尽周折,虽然明知迎接他仆人的是拳民的大刀片子,仍然差遣一批批传教士前仆后继送来天国的福音,给你活命的指望,给你永恒的盼望,你却把他的好心当成驴肝肺。真傻!

当然基督徒中也有不少人和电影中洋教士和年轻传道人同样的疑惑,他们天真的以为信了耶稣就是天常蓝花烂漫,无灾无病,平安通达,心想事成,不经意天上掉下一颗炸弹,信仰就破灭了。他们和不信的人一样,眼光只留在今世,生命的价值只在今生,或者说生命没什么价值,人生就是想尽办法活着等死,对于这等人,早死晚死有什么区别呢?晚点死只不过让他们多受点活罪,网上有人调侃说他们侥幸活下来的二十年后和那些死了二十年又一条好汉的人一起饿死了,这样的人生有什么价值呢?神早点晚点收走他们的灵魂有什么区别呢?相反对于基督徒,神的应许不是有好日子过,而是说他们必受患难,比不信的人更甚:“帖前33 免得有人被诸般患难摇动;因为你们自己知道我们受患难原是命定的。”“249 那时,人要把你们陷在患难里,也要杀害你们;你们又要为我的名,被万民恨恶。那种把好事归给神,倒霉事算给魔鬼的基督徒枉费了神的苦心,因为神正是要通过他命定的患难来造就我们,赐福给我们。就连神喜爱的雅各都要通过饥荒的试炼来成熟,完全顺服神,我们岂能逃脱饥荒的功课呢?
















































A、不吃。  B、吃


这道单项选择题只有一个选项:女人的后裔Lord Jesus Christ,选他就对了。如果有人连这补考的题都做不对,不知道他还有什么脸面炫耀自己的聪明,吹牛皮读过几屋子书,有还几个学位证,到末日审判时,不知道他要怎样和上帝争辩。约翰福音14:6 耶稣说:我就是(惟一的)道路、真理、生命;若不借着我,没有人能到父(天父上帝)那里去。使徒行传4:12 除他以外,别无拯救;因为在天下人间,没有赐下别的名,我们可以靠着得救。

有人说,再容易我也不考,我放弃,我拒绝考试。对不起,没门。你说了不算数,谁也不能免试,弃考等于没考过去。传道书8:8无人有权力掌管生命,将生命留住;也无人有权力掌管死期;这场争战,无人能免,邪恶也不能救那好行邪恶的人。传道书11:9 少年人哪,你在幼年时当快乐;在幼年的日子,使你的心欢畅,行你心所愿行的,看你眼所爱看的;却要知道,为这一切的事,神必审问你。传道书12:14 因为人所作的事,连一切隐藏的事,无论是善是恶,神都必审问。马太福音12:30不与我相合的,就是敌我的;不同我收聚的,就是分散的。世界上的人只有两类,信耶和华神与神相合的,就是考及格的,得永生永福;不信主耶稣基督与神为敌的,就是没考过去,必死。


那些认为神设套绊倒人的思想,更是信了蛇的鬼话,不但认为上帝小心眼,而且是说谎的、心里邪恶、作恶的神。这种不信的恶心极为普遍,例如他们认为神降十灾给埃及是神要恶狠狠毁灭埃及的明证;神假惺惺允许术士巴兰去行法术好抓住把柄在半路杀了他等等。上帝明明对法老说:“其实我叫你存立,是特要向你显我的大能,并要使我的名传遍天下。(出埃及记9:16)”试想一下,上帝要毁灭埃及需要折腾十次吗?他说一句话或派一个天使就把事办了。从先知以赛亚对埃及的预言,我们可以看到神的苦心在埃及人身上结出的美好果子:以赛亚书1919-25当那日,在埃及地中必有为耶和华筑的一座坛;在埃及的边界上,必有为耶和华立的一根柱。这都要在埃及地为万军之耶和华作记号和证据。埃及人因为受人的欺压哀求耶和华,他就差遣一位救主作护卫者,拯救他们。耶和华必被埃及人所认识;在那日埃及人必认识耶和华,也要献祭物和供物敬拜他,并向耶和华许愿还愿。耶和华必击打埃及,又击打又医治,埃及人就归向耶和华。他必应允他们的祷告,医治他们。 当那日必有从埃及通亚述去的大道。亚述人要进入埃及,埃及人也进入亚述;埃及人要与亚述人一同敬拜耶和华。当那日以色列必与埃及、亚述三国一律,使地上的人得福;因为万军之耶和华赐福给他们,说:“埃及我的百姓,亚述我手的工作,以色列我的产业,都有福了。”  至于那靠着耶和华的话行法术赚卦金的术士巴兰,因为贪财使他的心比驴还愚昧,神要杀他能找到一百个理由,不用出尔反尔让他去又不让他去,而是耶和华神要拦阻巴兰自赴死路,要警告挽救他不可存着贪心去咒诅神的百姓,神已经告诉他以色列人是神赐福的百姓,不可咒诅,但是巴兰得了神旨后的存心仍然是去咒诅以色列人赚卦金,这是自己找死,神当然不能见死不救,所以在半路拦截他。可惜被钱财败坏了心窍的巴兰终究不能悔改,还是死路一条。

西番亚书3:5 耶和华在他中间是公义的,断不作非义的事,每早晨显明他的公义,无日不然;只是不义的人不知羞耻。不信的人不知羞耻,反而以为神存着恶心要置人于死地,而不是夏娃那样体会到神的心意是“免得你们死”。例如圣经上说,能信主耶稣基督的人都是神在创世之先就预定的,所以他们就推测那些不能信的大概都是神预定不得救的,例如罗素说如果都是神预定的话,那就让神预定我不信吧。罗素以《我为什么不是基督徒》成为不信者推崇的楷模,真实情景却是这个生活极其淫秽糜烂的罗素决不允许一个说什么就是什么的圣洁全能的神来审判他败坏的生活,所以他就极尽自己聪明找到了一大堆不信的借口。论起作恶,世界上的人都像罗素一样能得诺贝尔奖,他们在作恶上聪明,在行善事上愚拙,每一个人都是在罪孽中生的,在母亲怀胎时就有了罪,而且一出母胎,就与神疏远,一离母腹,便走错路,说谎话;杀人流血,他们的脚飞跑;他们用舌头弄诡诈,嘴唇里有虺蛇的毒气;逞着心里的情欲行污秽的事,说狂傲的话,终日思想的尽都是恶;连一个义人也没有,都是该死的,都是该下地狱火湖的,哪一个也用不着神再预定一次才轮得上下地狱,那些说上帝预定他们不信的人,乃是自己不肯信反而嫁祸给上帝,他们认为自己还不配下地狱,非得神强制预定才不得不下去。相反若是承认自己陷在罪中无力自助自救,向耶和华神哀求,仰望救主耶稣基督的人,都会发现若不是神的预定拣选,凭自己的聪明能力虔诚运气绝不可能得此恩典。神把他们放在世界上受熬炼,吃尽苦头,是让他们甘心情愿跟着基督的脚步走,不再像罗得老婆那样回头留恋世界的罪恶繁华,使他们的得救更加有把握。












































Know Charismatics

 Know Charismatics, Who Are Charismatics

——The Charismatics is the wild dance of evil spirits


At present, the vast majority of pastors, leaders, and believers adopt an attitude of welcoming, supporting, and applauding the madness of the Charismatics, while those who are more conservative are at best suspicious, watching, and keeping a respectful distance. There are few in-depth investigations into the nature and harm of the charismatics sect, carefully distinguishing and experimenting, and exposing the evil and harm of the charismatics sect. Although the church is so cowardly and corrupt, God’s will will be fulfilled in the end. Lord Jehovah sits as king and tramples the enemy under his feet. We will eventually see all kinds of ugliness and failures of the charismatic sect, and the church and pastors that merges and prostitutes with the charismatics are judged or chastened by God, ashamed to lose their glory and reward.


Fifty years ago, it would have been understandable to say that one did not have a clear understanding of the nature of the Three-Self Golden Calf Cult and was mixed up in it. Thirty years ago, one could sympathize with those who did not have a clear understanding of the nature of the Charismatics Sect, who did not dare to make any rash comments on the various wild performances of the evil spirits of the Charismatics Sect, and who were foolish enough to wishfully classify the Charismatics Sect into orthodox and moderate sects and evil and extreme sects. Nowadays, we still do not have a clear understanding of the Three-Self and the Charismatics, who have done all kinds of bad things, who are hysterical, who are crazy and unrestrained, and who have accumulated many evil fruits. If we hang out with them and hot fight with them, or between two opinions you are fine I am good, then we must be a stupid Christian or a cottage Christian who has been criticized by Jesus as "ye that work iniquity" or something like that. (Matthew 7:23)


We cannot adopt a laissez-faire attitude towards the charismatics sect because the harm caused to the church and the believers by the fierce attack of the evil spirit of the charismatics sect is so great that it is unimaginable and shocking. This evil spirit not only has power and authority, but is also good at disguise and deception. If a believer does not really have the Holy Spirit indwelling and keeping him, he will seldom fail to be attacked by this evil spirit, and even "they shall deceive the very elect". Wherever there are churches, charismatics are expanding at an alarming rate. As Rev. C.S. Lin warned: If you do not embrace the charismatic movement, you will not make a single friend in the church. As John Sherrill(薛瑞爾) said in his book, They Speak with Tongue (《他們用方言說話》H. Revell Co., 1964) - "The walls of the denomination are falling down. " The Charismatic movement spread to the Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Lutheran denominations. Of course, various cults, such as Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Darak Bang(馬可樓), Young Disciples of Jesus(耶青), and other heresies have also opened their arms to Charismatics, and regarded Charismatics as a lifesaver for the church's prosperity and development. Nowadays, it is really difficult to find a church that has not been tainted by Charismatics than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.


Charismatics are not just some grotesque, chaotic and crazy ways of worship, not just a hot and crazy pursuit mentality and false tongues, not just amazing miracles of healing and ability to knock down, not just random It is not a matter of the theological standpoint of Bible interpretation, but a problem of obscenity, filth, falsehood, deceit, cruelty, and powerful evil spirits. The hardcore fans of the charismatics sects are always boasting about their profound and intimate peace with that spirit. All believers who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit will immediately feel a strong spiritual battle when they first meet with the Charismatics. This kind of real experience shows that the essence of the charismatics sect lies in the fact that it is completely different from the real believers, and it is completely a problem of evil spirits that the enemy is jealous of when they meet each other.


The charismatics spirit is almost the culmination of all evil spirits, combining the characteristics and abilities of all known evil spirits. This evil spirit is not only leading the customs of this world (such as the New Age Movement), the leader of the power in the air, and the evil spirit operating in the hearts of the sons of disobedience today, but also the evil spirit of tempting the Gentiles to commit adultery, lust, drunkenness, and desolation, feasting, group drinking, and hateful idolatry according to their own will.  Is the ghost king who harms and dominates people and deceives people, the ancient serpent Satan who tempted the ancestors to sin, and the great dragon and the old devil who will deceive the people and the chosen people in the last days. This evil spirit is full of wisdom, omnipotent, bright and bright, powerful, slick, versatile, and lovable, but extremely harmful, and can make all believers who mix with charismatics quickly go to fornication, lying, greed, cruelty, ghosts, idol worship, self-deception, almost without exception. It is not an exaggeration to say that the evil spirits of the Charismatics are the greatest enemy of the Christian church, the number one enemy. The evil spirits of the charismatics sect bring more than just the "gift" of speaking in tongues to people, they only speak nonsense and will no longer speak human words, and the "anointing" that can make people fall to the ground and convulse after laying hands on them loses their human appearance and only remains a ghost state. Even more, they can bring seven more evil ghosts. The charismatics evil spirits not only teach you to lie, but also make you fornicate, and even make you worship idols and practice witchcraft, and make you greedy for money and vain.... A little bit of compromise with the charismatics evil spirits will inevitably lead to a complete collapse of believers in their faith and moral life.


Although the result of the battle between true believers and charismatics evil spirits is mostly a gradual compromise, gradual numbness, and gradual adaptation, but after all, the holy and evil spirits will not be mixed together. Those true believers cannot find peace in the chaos, madness, and filth of the charismatics sect After experiencing God’s strict discipline and enlightenment, and guidance, they will eventually break with the Charismatics and draw a line with that filthy evil spirit. All "Christians" who welcome,  support, and pursuit charismatics as if they met their own mothers are either foolish nominal believers, or false believers who are full of filth and never confess their sins and never repent. Many leaders standing on the stage have become charismatics advocates and leading parties, which can only prove that they are not faithful servants of God, but ugly skeletons covered by holy priestly robes. Against these leaders, Satan's strategy is not to confront the accusation as he did with Joshua, the high priest in filthy clothes (Zechariah 3), but praised their love, patience, and tolerance of sin and heresy, taking the overall situation into account, and not judging, and praised their spiritual life; Praise the power of their hands and the anointing are so great, they praise how prosperous the big church they built, how long their nonsense prayers are, and how loud their hoarse announcements are. They also like this kind of self-deception, thinking that they are God The gold medal winners, in fact, their rewards come entirely from Satan. They lost the opportunity to repent and wake up, because God has clearly abandoned them, and they will be allowed to bear the sin of fooling around with evil spirits at the time of judgment, and go to the same place with those evil spirits as they wish. Leaders and believers whose heart is in merit rather than in holiness will inevitably be captured by charismatics evil spirits. (Reference: "Where did Pastor Billy Graham go? -2--In order to get Billy Graham into the kingdom of heaven, Pastor Chen Ge played tricks"

https://beloved211841126.wordpress.com/2021/04/16/%e9%99%88%e9%b8%bd%e7%89%a7%e5%b8%88%e7%9a%84%e8%af%a1%e8%af%88/  )


At present, although God's faithful servants and watchmen are quite critical of the Charismatics, and a few of them have risen up to expose the evil nature and fatal danger of the Charismatics, they are still generally treating the head when the headaches, when the feet hurt to treat the feet (treat the symptoms but not the disease). They do not differentiate the Charismatics from the evil nature of the Charismatics, and they are dividing the Charismatics into the extremist Charismatics and the moderate Charismatics in accordance with the attitude of safety and conservatism. And they suggest that we should resist and reject the extremist Charismatics which are of the heretical nature, and we should be tolerant and accepting of the promotion of the moderate Charismatics. On the one hand, we have to cheer for the hot phenomenon brought by the charismatics to the church, but on the other hand, we have to avoid offending God's anointed "apostles and prophets" by making vague judgments and resisting the Holy Spirit. This kind of thinking to gain some benefits from the evil spirits is extremely foolish, and it is this passive attitude of not actively discerning, checking, and resisting, but returning Satan's smiles with smiles, that has led to the rapid and unstoppable flood of charismatic heresies that have brought unprecedented destruction to the church.


It is the great ignorance of today’s church to divide the charismatic sects into extremists and moderate sects, and it is definitely a trick of Satan. This division has no standard and groundless, and it is completely judged by one’s own preferences and subjectivity. For example, Jiang Xiuqin(江秀琴) and Lin Dazhong(林大中) are the same thing, they worship the same evil spirits, play the same medium ghost and psychic spells, and bear the same pernicious fruits, but people regard Jiang Xiuqin as an extremist, and Lin Dazhong is hilarious to be a faithful and humble servant of God. Regardless of whether they pretend to be bright and benevolent Satan or demons with fierce faces, they are all the same in essence. They all come to plunder and kill believers and destroy the church of God. No matter how much sweetness they give you, it is to pull you into the lake of fire and play with them forever. Therefore, true Christians must rise up bravely, resolutely resist and reject Charismatics, and leave no room for Charismatics.


1. Who are the Charismatics?

This generation of Christians is probably the least promising generation. Modern printing, radio, television, computers, the Internet, and satellite communications give them the best conditions ever to study the Bible. But they don’t like to read boring Bibles, don’t like dull sermons, don’t like to pray quietly, and don’t like to live according to the rigid truths of God. They do not know and are unwilling to know the truth of the Savior Jesus Christ, so they become spiritual dwarfs, only to be bullied and deceived by others.


Fifty years ago, there was a famous controversy. Bishop Ding Guangxun(丁光訓主教,三自主席) quoted a verse from the Bible: "God has accepted him. Who are you to judge other people's servants?" This immediately shocked the trend of labeling others as "unbelievers", except for Wang Mingdao(王明道). Except for a few diehards, most people quickly silenced or followed the trend. Times have changed now, and the empty promises of the utopian heaven that the unbelievers’ social gospel gave to people have burst like soap bubbles. However, the Charismatics have developed rapidly in the past few decades, robbing souls, killing sheep, and determined to take the first place in front of Satan. What is before the children of God today is a fierce battle with the Charismatics. Regrettably the same, as soon as Christians today are accused by charismatics of "fear of the work of the Holy Spirit, lack of the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and resist the moving of the Holy Spirit", they immediately become shrinking turtles, like deflated rubber balls, and feel that they have done something wrong, so dare not say anything. Even the former watchmen of the church have mostly become dumb dogs and pugs, either they can't afford but can afford to hide, keeping out of trouble, or they simply follow the buttocks of the charismatics masters of apostles and prophets and hope to get some leftovers, to make a living, work as a minion for a tiger, and serve as a leading party or internal support for the charismatics sect.


The charismatic evil spirit is the father of the liar, and the confused lamb and false believers like this kind of sweet lie very much, and does not think there is anything wrong with the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So they wishfully divided the charismatics into extreme charismatics and moderate charismatics, thinking that although the extreme charismatics are not very good, the sweetness brought by the moderate charismatics can still be considered and accepted. This is an absolutely foolish thought that has fallen right into Satan's tricks. Just imagine, what is the essential difference between Satan, who pretends to be bright and benevolent, and a vicious devil.


"Can the Gentle Charismatics Accept It (Wu Zhuguang 吳主光)"



For a hundred years, the fruits of the Charismatics are before us. This is the work of a spirit of confusion, lying, covetousness, sorcery, idolatry, witchcraft, fornication, divination, persecution, dominion, division, vanity, and pride. This is by no means the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the problem of the Charismatics is the problem of the spirit. The spirit promoted by the Charismatics is the evil spirit, that is, the old serpent, also known as Satan (meaning the bright one, resister, accuser, tempter, liar). This ancient evil spirit has been against God and His people from beginning to end. It has put on different vests and changed its name in different ages, and now it is even crazier in the last days. It even used the name of the Holy Spirit. Corruption to the point of utter depravity. What the Charismatics do is witchcraft and sorcery, which the holy Jehovah God hates, and they counterfeit the name of God. According to the Law of Moses, they should be stoned to death, but now they are riding on the heads of Christians to do their best which unexpectedly can make Christians feel leisurely and happy. It's ridiculous.


Nowadays, the Charismatic sect has obviously become a sweet spot. All sects and denominations want to curry favor with the apostles, prophets, mages and witches of the Charismatic sect, hoping to draw them into their banner and add luster to their sect. The fate of the Chinese lead by Chinese Congress on World Evangelization(華福) “back to Jerusalem, the 10/40 Window" is the leftovers of Peter Wegener, the global chief false apostle of the Charismatics. He has already started the "theology of power" of "transforming the seven hills". Chinese Congress on World Evangelization(華福)and Gospel for China Conference (中國福音大會)still holding that "Chinese destiny" stinky rice ball as a baby. Charismatics also like to call themselves evangelicals and reformed theology, while Benny Hinn and others claim to be Catholics. Therefore, the Charismatics have no clear sectarian boundaries. We can borrow the words of Brother Wang Mingdao(王明道) in that controversy, saying: "The Charismatics is not a hat, but refers to a certain kind of people." They are false Christians, even counterfeit apostles and prophets, they are pagans who mix in the church to be an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer in the name of Jesus. They have never repented, they think that they are just victims, it is the fault of their family and circumstances, and therefore do not intend to repent. They consider themselves sanctified when they compel their hearts to forgive those who have hurt them. They do not admit their sins, and blame all kinds of evil spirits and bad interpersonal relationships for their sins (Soul Tie 魂結). They are not afraid of God. On the contrary, they have various spells and prayers to tame God, let God obediently do things for them, and bless them. They don’t like the truth, but only the greatest authority in the church (apostles and prophets). They don’t like to live a holy life, but expect to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and amaze others. Instead of repenting, they go to false prophets and false apostles to back them up. They refused to obey God's orders, but hoped to obtain God-like abilities through some shortcuts. They accuse others of resisting the Holy Spirit, and want to drive out the spirit in others, but forbid others to test their spirit. They don’t love the poor and weak Lord Jesus, but only love themselves who are full of anointing power. They don’t want to deny themselves, but to love themselves. They don’t want to obey God, but want to become God themselves. They think that once they are saved, they will be saved forever, so they can indulge in adultery and greedy dreams come true, whatever they want, God will give them...


Obviously, not all the people who attended the Charismatics conference are Charismatics. Even some true believers who have been deeply deceived by Charismatics can be disciplined by God and come to their senses. On the contrary, those fake believers who have never repented sooner or later, believers will be taken captive by charismatics sects.


2. Charismatics worship evil spirits.

The spirits of the Charismatics are evil spirits, wild ghosts that they summoned, waited for, greeted, and released. They believed that as long as they shouted loudly and spoke hard enough, they could summon the Holy Spirit. Complete disbelief that the Holy Spirit works according to God's holy sovereignty and will, and no one can be His counselor. All true believers who have repented and regenerated are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit of truth sent by the Lord Jesus Christ is with true believers and will never be separated (2 Corinthians 13:5, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?). Christians absolutely do not need to recruit some unknown spirits from outside to enrich themselves. (Titus 3:6 which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour). Those who do not have the Holy Spirit in them, but are summoned by pagan ghost summoning, seance, or prayer imitating Christianity must be wild ghosts. The Holy Spirit cannot be summoned by man by magic, but is sent by God the Father and the Lord Jesus on the initiative when a man who believes in the Son of God, Jesus Christ, as the only Savior, repents, turns away from sin and is reborn. This is the sovereign grace of God, and it cannot be controlled by people's effective prayers, superb spells, and hard work. It is impossible for God to be threatened by the spells of charismatic masters to send down the Holy Spirit. Instead, evil spirits parade around like roaring lions, coming uninvited. Of course, even evil spirits will not be manipulated by the prayer spells of charismatic masters, but the evil spirits actively cooperate with them to perform double reeds to deceive the people watching the performance. Charismatic false apostles and prophets think that they have the ability to call back and forth to the forces of the spirit world, which is also the result of self-deception and being deceived by evil spirits.


God gave us the command to discern all spirits, and gave us the method to discern all spirits, which is to recognize the tree by its fruit. The fruits of charismatic evil spirits for a hundred years are confusion, lying, covetousness, witchcraft, idolatry, witchcraft, fornication, divination, persecution, domination, deceit, rebellion, contention, vanity, pride, boasting... . . . and these fruits have nothing to do with the truth and the Holy Spirit. Although these evil spirits use Jesus as the name and the Holy Spirit to flaunt themselves, it is easy to distinguish them as counterfeit goods. There are many people named Jesus in the world, and there are many evil spirits who claim to be named Jesus in the spiritual world, but there is only one Christ Jesus who is called Lord and Savior. Therefore, we do not look at whether the person or spirit is really called Jesus, but Distinguish whether they are the true Christ who was incarnated, crucified, died, resurrected, and bestowed the Holy Spirit, the Son of God. And not just whether people call Jesus Lord with their mouths, but whether they follow the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 12:3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. Col 2:6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him. )


Charismatics heretics claim to believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, but their behavior is completely contrary to the Bible. (Pastor  Samuel Ling(林慈信牧師) believes that anyone who claims to believe in the inerrancy of the Bible can be considered a brother in Christ, so he believes that charismatics are brothers in Christ. That's a very pedantic idea.[ Pastor Samuel Ling is an excellent theology teacher, not a Bible teacher. He teaches theology knowledge, not the truth of the Bible. His understanding and position on charismatic, Catholic and Three-Self churches are completely wrong. He can only be regarded as a believer who is more diligent and pure in pursuit, and cannot be regarded as the watchman and gatekeeper of the church.] The Bible says that "the heart is deceitful above all things." What they say does not prove what they believe in their hearts. Only their consistent behavior can reveal their true faith.)


The charismatics interpret the Bible indiscriminately, not out of ignorance, but out of deliberate intention to distort the Bible to cover their adultery. They are able to interpret the Bible indiscriminately, in order to make their greed, chaos, adultery, lying, and idolatry all conform to the "Bible", All are the will and command of "God" for them. For example, Bread of Life Christian Church in Taipei Zhou Shenzhu(臺北靈糧堂周神助牧師) interpreted 1 Corinthians 14:39-40 "Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently and in order." meaning is all well-behaved churches must speak in tongues to support their "baptism of Holy Spirit theology" (That is, the state of being possessed by evil spirits and talking nonsense). The father of Prosperity Theology, Kenneth E. Hagin(甘堅信), interpreted what Jesus said, "A hundred times more in this world, and eternal life in the next life" to mean that God not only wants to bless Christians in the next life, but also makes them gain a hundred times their material wealth in this life. Thus developed the "Great Wealth Transfer" ( That is, the method of transporting the five ghosts and the great shifting of the universe), "Wealth Theology" and "Prosperity Theology". On the other hand, Cho Yongji(趙鏞基) proclaimed "Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich." meaning declared that "Jesus was poor in the world to give us riches and redeem us from the curse. If we are not blessed, it means that Jesus was poor in vain." Such an absurd interpretation of the Bible has actually made those false Christians who are obsessed with ghosts and blind to money believe it as a classic and believe it. According to Deuteronomy 28:14 "And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath", Peter Wegener(彼得·魏格納), the contemporary global chief false apostle of the charismatics, invented that Christians should occupy the seven secular mountains and be the king of the seven great mountains of Babylon, "Theology of Reigning Power" (Transforming the Seven Mountains 掌權神學;轉化七大山頭). Professor Kang Laichang(康來昌教授), who is very popular with Bread of Life Christian Church in Taipei, proved that crows match phoenixes through rigorous scriptures. Said Christians who believe in the Lord should fall in love with unbelievers and marry. Christians should devote themselves to the Lord through marriage missions, it‘s not only feasible but also pleasing to God. This is the trick that Balaam offered to Balak.


Some people say, is there no little work of the Holy Spirit in the charismatics at all? If the spirit that fills a certain charismatics master is the Holy Spirit, aren't we guilty of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, opposing God's anointed servant, and committing an unpardonable sin! This is a common intimidation method used by charismatics sects, but people also swallowed their saliva and eat this set. Such conjectures are groundless, and even if it is the Holy Spirit, didn’t God say, “Do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.” All these spirits also include the Holy Spirit. , the Holy Spirit is not specialization, and people are not allowed to experiment, on the contrary, Christians obey God's command to test the Holy Spirit will be able to please God. Test the Holy Spirit according to the truth of the Bible, not only will you not blaspheme the Holy Spirit, but you will also be praised by God for obeying God's commands. If a Christian does not discern the work of the spirit, he is scorning God’s warnings and rejecting God’s commands. This is not true humility, but is actually ignorance and rebellion. "Beware of false prophets" also gives us the same responsibility and right. Judging whether the "apostles and prophets" came from God is not spiritual arrogance, but obedience to God's command. Not judging is spiritual ignorance and violates God's command. The "Christian" who is bluffed by the charismatics leader, andwas silent like a cool-cicada, he may have not repented and believed in the Lord, and the Lord Jesus Christ has not given him the power and responsibility to judge and test the spirits. It may also be cowardly and ignorant Christians. They dare not offend the heretical witches and mages of the Charismatics sect, but they dare to reject the orders given to them by the invisible God. They are not afraid to offend God, but dare to say that the work of evil spirits is the work of the Holy Spirit, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Facing the evil and filth of the Charismatics, a Christian who truly knows the righteous, holy and supreme God should firmly realize that if there is even a little bit of the work of the Holy Spirit in the Charismatics, Jehovah God is not the holy and righteous He claims to be, for a sinless God.


If a few people have been healed and the ghosts have been cast out, should they accept the charismatics sect? First of all, those so-called miracles of healing and casting out demons come from the propaganda of the Charismatics themselves, and they are the performances colluded by the shills they found. They didn't dare to show their skills in a modern formal hospital. You can refer to "Benny Hinn(辛班尼) can't even produce a doctor's certificate", "Todd Bentley(泰班利) can't even produce a doctor's certificate". Why do you have to believe a lie? Even if a few people were healed, so what? Ezekiel 13:17-19 "Likewise, thou son of man, set thy face against the daughters of thy people, which prophesy out of their own heart; and prophesy thou against them, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies?" These witches and mages seem to be doing good deeds and saving lives. God clearly said that they were doing evil. They save people for self-interest, they are lying, they are enemies of God, and they are helping evildoers. Charismatics perform healing and release techniques and perform miracles to seduce people to worship evil spirits with them, which is the same evil thing as these witches.


Furthermore, if the Lord Jesus Christ healed you, why would you exalt that abominable healing spell? Why worship "Apostles and Prophets" who cast spells? If it was the devil who healed you, but you gave thanks and praise to Jesus, do you think it is easy to take advantage of it? Will it not be recovered tenfold? Will it not bring seven more evil spirits? Why take the risk? Please refer to "Benny Hinn's Anointing Comes from the Demon".



If the disease is cured, and the healing magic is worshiped and pursued as a god, then many hospitals around the world will become gods. Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of truth save people from sin, not just save people from sickness. On the contrary, evil spirits don’t care about your terrible ending in sin. Instead, they encourage you to enjoy the pleasures of sin, and even "heal" your flesh, making it easier for you to indulge in pleasure. As for giving you some economic, worldly, fame, honor and emotional benefits, it is not God’s promise, but Satan’s promise: “If you will fall down and worship me, I will give you all the kingdoms and their glory.” God The words are: "Whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of being my disciple. Whoever gains his life will lose it; whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." "Hands on the plow Whoever looks backward is not fit for the kingdom of God." The kind of sophistry that comforts one's foolish conscience by wanting to get some benefits from the charismatics, such as making the church hot, and the gospel has finally spread, etc., such foolish thinking is similar to Eve's "the fruit of that tree is good for food, is also pleasing to the eyes, and is pleasing to the eyes, and it can make men wise.” The thoughts are exactly the same, and they must have fallen into Satan’s tricks. Do you have to look for living things among the dead? Brothers, it’s time to completely abandon the little sweetness that the evil spirits give you, and turn back to invest in God’s abundant grace. If you are still entangled with that evil spirit and want to gain something from it, you are afraid that you will be rejected by the Eternal God.


Charismatics come from evil spirits, charismatics are the work of evil spirits, and charismatics worship and serve devils and evil spirits. If, as Dr. Stephen Tong(唐崇榮牧師博士) thinks, "Charismatics pays attention to the work of the Holy Spirit; Charismatics are greatly used by God; Charismatics grasps the focus of redemption; you must appreciate the advantages of Charismatics..." Then if you are not ignorant or confused If so, you are false believers who serve evil spirits.


‘Dr. Stephen Tong(唐崇榮牧師博士) casts out ghosts at the age of 17 and sees him being used by evil spirits’---- Confidence built on Ghost words





3. The practice methods of the Charismatics are all witchcraft and sorcery.


The favorite practice methods of charismatic sects, in addition to large-scale conferences with bluff, the most common ones are "Waiting for God", "Seeking God", "Listening to God", "Meeting God", "Experience God", "Knocking Down by the Holy Spirit" "24 hours of praise and worship", "Harp and Bowl Worship", "prayer with flames", "healing and release", "pour out the anointing", "release the anointing", "delivering gifts"... etc. are all witchcraft and sorcery. The "knockdown, gold powder, flower fragrance, dialect, emptying, meditation, madness, physical discomfort" pursued by the Charismatics are all the effects of pagan witchcraft, which can often be found in pagan psychic witchcraft. The effect you see (such as Qigong Xianggong(香功氣功), worshiping Buddha sprinkling golden rain, speaking ghost dialect, etc.). Pastor Wu Zhuguang(吳主光牧師) said that the Charismatics like to collect all kinds of "folk remedies" of paganism, heresy, secularism, and Neo-Confucianism, "sprinkle" a little bit of scriptures for embellishment, and package them in Christian ways and methods to say they belong to Christianity. , Confused many brothers and sisters who really needed to be healed and released by God's truth. Large-scale conferences are the most efficient and economical way for Charismatics to spread evil spirits through the principle of sympathetic contact with witchcraft. Individual or collective practice of secret arts is meditation, meditation, chanting mantras, heart purification, breathing adjustment, singing, spiritualism, and hypnosis are exactly the same as praying.


Charismatics Hypnosis, Psychicism and Ghosting Magic Revealed (《靈恩派催眠通靈交鬼邪術揭秘》)



Since they worship evil spirits, the practice methods of the Charismatics sects are psychic and sorcery learned from paganism, and they are roughly packaged in the form of Christianity. Sometimes they don’t even bother to package them. The evil spirits of Enpai are arrogant and arrogant, and they don't treat Christians as onions at all. Randy Clark(柯蘭迪) and Bill Johnson(比爾強生) introduced Hindu evil spirits into the church, Rick Joyner(雷克.喬納) introduced African witchcraft into the church, and Kenneth E. Hagin(甘堅信) and David Yonggi Cho(趙鏞基) introduced the idea of "How bold person, and how much production" into the church. Peter Wagner(彼得·魏格納)  introduced Yiguandao's magic tricks, Taoist necromancer calling up the dead, and Qigong magic to the church... The result of the practice of the Charismatics sect is to summon wild ghosts and evil spirits. Charismatics tend to become more depraved the more they practice, and the more they practice, the more evil and corrupt they become, and the more poisoned they become.



4. Charismatics are pagans and heresies.


Since charismatics worship evil spirits and practice pagan witchcraft and sorcery, they are standard pagans, but they pretend to be Christians and use Christian ceremonies and names, so it is said that charismatics are Heresy is OK too. A true charismatic is a Gentile who has never confessed and repented, and a heathen who never intends to repent. They have never repented because they think that they are just victims of a family curse, that it is the fault of their family of origin and their upbringing, that it is the "wounds" and the "inner child" left behind by others who hurt them, and that they have nothing to blame for it. And they think that they are sanctified when they force their hearts to forgive those who hurt them. They do not admit their sins, and push their sins to all kinds of evil spirits and bad interpersonal relationships (soul ties 魂結). They do not love the truth, but only the greatest authority in the church (the apostles and prophets). They don't like to live a holy life, but they want to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, to amaze others, and let themselves do what they want. They are unwilling to repent, but go to false prophets and false apostles to endorse them. They refuse to obey God’s commands, but hope to obtain God-like power through shortcuts. They accuse others of resisting the Holy Spirit, and want to drive out the spirit in others, but forbid others to test their spirits. They do not love the shabby and cowardly Lord Jesus, but only love the evil spirit who can make them full of anointing power and themselves; they do not want to deny themselves, but love themselves and be themselves, to become a god themselves...


Since the Charismatics do not admit their sins and do not intend to confess and repent, there is almost no possibility of salvation. They regard evil spirits as the Holy Spirit and the real Holy Spirit as evil spirits. This sin of blaspheming the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven in this world and forever. They are determined to benefit from the charismatic evil spirits, because they do not accept the love of the truth so that they can be saved. Therefore, God gave them a deceitful heart, causing them to believe a lie and fall into God's rejection and wrath. Those ignorant Christians who excuse me not to go to hell and who will go to hell to stay in the charismatics church, hoping to correct the mistakes of the charismatics sect, awaken the charismatics sect, and draw sticks from the fire, except for being polluted and assimilated by the charismatics sect, colluding with it, or It is not a person to fall inside and out. It has offended people completely, but it has not recovered the result of a charismatics sect. There cannot be a better result. So, to stay in charismatics churches under any pretext is either a self-deluded false believer or an ignorant muddled Christian. Those pastors who encourage the charismatics sect to save people are even more ignorant or completely reactionary. The purpose of exposing the errors of the Charismatics should not be to restore the Charismatics, but to warn weak new believers who are in danger of being deceived by the Charismatics. Fame people are burdened by fame, and they have no time to come out to testify against charismatics sects as heretics, and they are not willing to offend charismatics brothers who share the same spirit as them. We had to let us lambs do it for us. The spirit of the Charismatics is an evil spirit, not the same spirit as ours. The Jesus of the Charismatics is the code name of some false gods of unknown origin. What they want is not the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ, but the anointing power of the Spirit they summoned, whether there is the Lord Jesus on the cross has no effect on them. They called out "Jesus" very affectionately in order to deceive us and make us mistakenly think that they were with us (Acts 16:17-18). Their Jesus is neither Lord nor Christ. Their god is also a docile and obedient silly old man who doesn’t distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, and is dealt with by their spirits. It’s not our supreme, holy, majestic and fearsome Jehovah, the only true God who hates evil. So they are not the same God, not the same Lord, not the same spirit as us, they are heretics, heretics.


Obviously, not all charismatics churches are charismatics, there are also charismatics who pretend to be charismatics or are temporarily blinded by charismatics; there are many real charismatics who are mixed in less charismatic churches. How to define Charismatics? To put it simply: Charismatics is a hodgepodge of heresy and sorcery that controls and robs people's minds and souls, packaged with the secular positive thinking success techniques of the New Age Movement and psychology, and traditional ghosting and psychic witchcraft packaged with Christian etiquette and vocabulary.



(1). The thinking of the New Age Movement believes that all things are gods, and gods are all things. They try (or teach people) to use their own thoughts to drive the spiritual world to control the material world. In fact, they believe that people themselves are God, so people should regard themselves as God. The thoughts of the New Age Movement are the theoretical basis of the Charismatics, and the basic truths and guiding ideologies of the Charismatics all come from the thoughts of the New Age Movement.


"New Age Movement Demons Still Rampant in Church Platforms"





(2). Psychology is a "pseudoscience". Science endeavors to observe facts and to explain the observed facts in terms of some hypothesis or derived theory. The facts analyzed should be repeatable and verifiable. Psychology is not like that. Many definitions and explanations in psychology are very subjective. Modern psychology uses a lot of scales, materials, and tools to package them scientifically, but they are all theories derived from sinners as samples, and the theoretical framework of psychology is completely derived from the deceitful psychology of sinners. Therefore, it is still impossible to conform to the truth of the Bible, and it is impossible to find a way out and provide answers for a life of suffering and sin. In psychology there is no way out, only dead end. (Note: Both traditional science and pseudoscience come from the "premise" of human autonomy. The samples of psychological research are sinners and dogs, and there is no righteousness in them; the standard of psychological theory also comes from the deceitful psychology of sinners. There is no goodness and justice in it, only interests and utilitarianism. Therefore, no matter how fancy and mysterious the performance is, there is no way out in psychology, only dead end.) Calling the findings of psychology (or philosophy) "general revelation" is an important mistake. All culture: philosophy, psychology, art, science, religion, etc., are (sinful) human twisted responses to God's general revelation. Culture is not general revelation! Not even footprints (shadows)! [Yuan Zhiming(遠志明) fans are good at advocating that "Lao Tzu Te Ching" is the universal revelation of God when advocating the heresy "Lao Tzu and God", which is also the same mistake. The Tao Te Ching is nothing more than a sinner's error-filled response and resistance to God's general revelation, not general revelation at all. ] Psychology is the method by which charismatics operate. The psychological suggestion of meditation hypnosis is the most common method of charismatics witchcraft.


"Psychology and the Bible"



"The Blasphemy of Christianity by Carl Jung"



(3). The Prosperity Theology is the wisdom of the tree of the good and evil and the delusion of evil spirits. It is a human being who evaluates God’s work from the world’s standards and the devil’s perspective. Therefore, from the perspective of charismatics, God’s work usually fails. According to the standard of prosperity theology, the Lord Jesus is the poor ghost who should be driven away by them, and the heavenly Father Jehovah, who cannot turn stones into bread to satisfy the hunger, is a useless paper tiger. Prosperity theology is the crowbar used by the Charismatics to tear down the foundational pillar of truth.


"Prosperity Theology Is Satan's Gospel"



(4). Gnosticism:



Gnosticism is a heresy that appeared in the church in the time of the apostle John in order to tear down the foundation of Christian belief and replace the Trinity God that Christians believe in with other gods. Gnostics exalt a vaguely unknown "God Most High" and from Him the "Son of Man" (the so-called Christ). But on the other hand, it completely severed all the specific context and connection between this "Christ" and the New and Old Testaments, including the inferior Creator God (The defaced Jehovah—the root of all evil), the world (reality and history), and context and connection of the law promulgated by Jehovah, David, Solomon, John the Baptist, the apostles and the church, etc., and even completely opposed them to the so-called "Christ". One of their obvious attempts is to cut off any specific connection between the real Son of Man-Jesus Christ and the New and Old Testaments, and completely nullify the biblical revelation. In this way, there is no standard for objectively judging what “God” is and who “Christ” is, and those people can be allowed to talk nonsense, and finally “substitute one thing for another by stealth” to induce people to their “Christ” of unknown origin, and then to be under the control of the “Supreme God” who also has an unknown origin. The Gnostics' "anti-matter" and "anti-sexuality" are all pretexts. What they want to oppose is actually Jehovah God and His Son—the Lord Jesus Christ. (Do not acknowledge that the Lord Jesus Christ came in a physical body. 1 John 4:1-3). Gnosticism, however, inappropriately expanded the meaning of the Lord Jesus' "healing diseases and expelling demons" into a "confrontation between gods and demons". As a result, on the one hand, it "elevated" Satan the devil to the position of an "evil god" who can call wind and rain and is almost equal to God, so all day long in the "War of Gods and Demons". On the another hand, the images of God and the devil are confused, and they cleverly attribute "evil" to the deeds of an "evil god", that is, the only God who created heaven and earth that can dominate the material world (including all natural disasters). The purpose is to make the Trinity God into the "evil god", which is completely incorporated into the pattern of the "dualism of good and evil" of the Gnostics, and people are tempted to pray to a "supreme god" of unknown origin to "unify" against the evil god who brought disasters: Yahweh who has been uglified, the inferior god who created the world, completely turning friend from foe. The spiritual nature of Charismatics is Gnosticism.



5. The ghostly ideas of charismatics evil spirits.


Satan's ultimate goal is to steal the status and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be equal to the Heavenly Father, and to steal people's worship of the only true God Jehovah and the only Savior Jesus Christ. If Satan wants to gain people’s worship, of course, he must give people a little bit of sweetness as a bait. The biggest bait is not only “the nations and their glory”, but the even bigger bait is “You (do not listen to God’s words) will be like God” or “If you (worship me) you will be the son of God”. The routine of the charismatics evil spirits is nothing more than this: they are promised to worship that spirit well, practice hard, and they will be able to control the wind and rain, and the popular and spicy ones can have whatever they want, and even God and the angels and devils in the spiritual world can be summoned. The charismatics people really believed in the deceit of this spirit because of their greed and evil thoughts. The evil spirits of the charismatics sect named themself "Jesus" in order to make people mistakenly believe that he did all the work of the Lord Jesus, and should deserve all the status, glory, and worship belong the Lord Jesus. Charismatics exalt the "Holy Spirit" and worship the "Holy Spirit", but they are deceived by this evil spirit with ulterior motives. Of course, evil spirits are not only liars, but also play tricks. For example, he will first make people exalt the Lord Jesus, and then replace the Lord Jesus himself, so that he can get all the glory and status of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the trick used by the evil spirits who deceived Watchman Nee(倪柝聲). Watchman Nee cleverly first emphasized that Christ is the center of everything and all spiritual reality, and then used the "Holy Spirit" (that Spirit) to secretly replace the position and reality of Christ, so that the charismatics evil spirit that poured out on him successfully stole the glory of Christ and was equal to God the Father (the same God). Watchman Nee believed that when the Son came, the Father ceased to exist; when the Son became the Spirit, the Son ceased to exist; to recognize the Spirit is to recognize the Son, and the coming of the Spirit is the coming of the Son; God the Son is the embodiment of God the Father; God the Spirit is the reality of God the Son, and applies the Triune God to those who believe in God the Son; we are born as Adam, but after gaining the life of Christ, we are Christ. Such Watchman Nee’s technique appears to be on the surface, the Triune God (God the Father) became Christ as a whole, and then Christ died and resurrected and evolved into the “Holy Spirit.” The actual purpose to be emphasized is just the opposite: the Spirit used to be Christ, and at first it was God the Father. Now the Spirit is the highest, most practical, complete, eternal, and unique form of existence of the Triune God. God the Father and Christ have both disappeared in the long river of history; People who have received the life of Christ given by the Spirit have become Christ and God. From this, we can see that Watchman Nee was a complete heresy and a complete worshiper of the charismatics spirit.


"Beware of the Charismatics Evil Spirit Watered Out by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee's Four-In-One Heresy"




"Watchman Nee's perpetrate a fraud Christology"




Charismatics evil spirits will also steal the work of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. For example, after returning from hell, Philip Mantofa (腓力·曼都法) received the great anointing power from the "Jesus" who brought him to hell (the evil purpose of all these testimonies of going to heaven and going to hell is to prove that they met Jesus in hell, thereby proving that Jesus lived in hell). He said that God the Father raised the Lord Jesus from the dead as the Holy Spirit raised the Lord Jesus from the dead (Pastor Philip Mantofa omitted the word "who" in Romans 8:11 "if the spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you"), and thus attributed the achievements and glory to the Holy Spirit, and seduced people to worship the "Holy Spirit" whom he cast spells and summoned to come. Furthermore, the Charismatics generally believe that all the miracles performed by the Lord Jesus on earth depended on the power of the Holy Spirit, otherwise they would have accomplished nothing, thus exalting the Holy Spirit and belittling the Lord Jesus Christ. Some charismatics churches emphasize the power of the Holy Spirit in the church, avoiding the sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ over the church, and tempting people to give praise and worship to the "Holy Spirit" of their church. The evil spirit of the prosperity theology of the Charismatics promises that people can "like God" with faith and say what they want, so as to induce people to give worship and praise to the evil spirit that allows them to do whatever they want.



6. The work goal of the charismatics evil spirits is to build the spiritual Tower of Babel.


Charismatics developed simultaneously with the Universal Unity Movement. Universal unity comes from the Antichrist. What God requires of the Christian Church is to be sanctified in this wicked world. “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?” And the church has been united in the truth and body of the Lord Jesus Christ since its birth, and "there is only one body." All Christians who have "one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God" must also "(feel with) one spirit, (unite with) one body, (share) one hope", what they have to do is to "do their best to keep the one heart given by the Holy Spirit (keep what has already been given, not to make things up by themselves): be humble, gentle, and patient in all things, tolerate each other with love, and bond with each other with peace." All actions that accuse the church of being not united and try to use artificial means to make the church unite must come from Satan the Devil.


If you want people who believe in anything to unite together, you must have a spirit that everyone can accept, and only when you share this spirit can you unite together. God firmly forbids His people to unite with those who do not believe in the same God. Catholicism worships a lot of idols. The new orthodox theology is completely unbelievers. The Local Churches (The Shouters召會,呼喊派) believe in the shouting evil spirits (charismatics evil spirits). The God that Cho Yongji(趙鏞基) believes in is a financial advisor. The spirit that Chen Zhonghui(陳仲輝) worships is an acrobatic trick. The spirit who worshiped Zhou Shenzhu(周神助) is the godfather of gangsters who can eat both red and white. The Jesus that Kou Shaoen(寇紹恩) believes in is a social butterfly who See people talk about people see ghosts talk nonsense. The Jesus that Jiang Xiuqin(江秀琴) believes in is a lover hiding in a dark room. The Jesus that Liang Qiongyue(梁瓊月) believes in is a witch doctor who sells things in the world. The good friend Jesus of Kang Xi(康希) is a buddy of gangsters. How can these gods and spirits be one with the holy and righteous God that Christians believe in? Charismatics evil spirit, the Gnostic heretical spirit, is not restricted by the revelation of the Bible, and does not need to be tested by the truth of the Bible. It can appear in any form, and can be everything that anyone who does not believe in the Trinity God or the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ believes in, the image of the illusory god. Allowing them to get what they need, each worshiping their own gods to live in peace, as the driving force behind the Great Unity Movement, it is perfect. Charismatics and Universal Unity have the same source, the same purpose, and hit it off, so whether it is the World Council of Churches, Lausanne, Chinese Congress on World Evangelization(華福), the Catholic Great Unity Movement, or The Local Churches' (Home of Christ Church 召會;基督之家) the  one family of the world, The oneness conferences in Bread of Life Church(靈糧堂) are all of the same nature, they are all the fruits of the charismatic evil spirits, whether they admit it or not, the spirits behind them must be the evil spirits of the charismatic sect, and the methods they play must be Charismatic tricks.


"All Visions of Chinese Congress on World Evangelization Come From Charismatics Evil Spirits"





7. The Correct Attitude Toward Charismatics


Charismatics have spread throughout Chinese churches and world churches like a plague. Over the past 100 years, their influence has risen rapidly, and they have surpassed the two poisons of the Three-Self golden calf and modernist unbelievers set, and the most deadly poison to the church. These three bowls of poison have their own unique skills in destroying the Church of God. The Three-Self set uses Caesar’s kingship on the ground, the modernist unbelievers set uses people’s rational knowledge, freedom, and autonomy, and the Charismatics use the evil spirits in power in the air—this is the church’s mortal enemy.


Charismatics worship and praise evil spirits. They practice witchcraft and psychics in churches, but instead deceive themselves that they are serving God. Therefore, people who promote Charismatics and follow Charismatics are no repentance, no rebirth, false believers, and heresies who don’t know the living God. They have never been saved, even if they have read the Bible, studied theology, and become pastors, they are false believers. They do not confess their sins, and blame all kinds of unclean ghosts and evil spirits for their sins. They do not know God, do not obey Jesus Christ, do not have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (they have to call and wait for a wandering ghost from outside to pretend to be the Holy Spirit), they refuse to live a holy life according to God’s commandments, but want to be their own masters, asking God to act according to their wishes. Now they are willing to be Satan’s pawns, and evil spirits have gained power over them. It is even more impossible for them to escape from the influence of evil spirits. And God gave them a wrong heart, let them believe in lies, and allowed them to be corrupted. (2 Thessalonians 2:11) Therefore, unless God shows special and individual mercy, it will be difficult for them to repent and be saved, and they will only become worse and worse as time goes by. (2 Timothy 3:13; 2:17 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. .... And their word will eat as doth a canker.)


The spirit of the Charismatics is clearly an evil spirit. This evil spirit pretends to be the name of Jesus and the identity of the Holy Spirit. However, the Charismatics regard this evil spirit as the Holy Spirit, and said the Bible to warn that believers must resist the devil, test the spirits, and recognize false prophets is the work of the devil. To slander Christians with such insights is to quench the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and to be "apostles and prophets" who resist God and God's anointing. This is the most serious blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which cannot be forgiven in this world or in the world to come.


God allows the wheat and the tares to grow together in the church, but when the time comes, God will cleanse His church by Himself. What method will God use? For those ignorant women who ”to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.“ God raised up Mr. Yuan Zhiming(遠志明) to separate them. For those who said because the environment is not as free as the United States,  so don’t believe or unbeliever, and refuse to follow the Lord Jesus, God raised up the reformed sect Pastor Tang CHongrong and Wang Yi(唐崇榮和王怡), lead them all day in vain debates, exhaustion, and paranoid daydreams, self-deception and masturbation. For false believers who are greedy, promiscuous, idolatrous, lying, vain, disliking the truth, and refusing to live a holy life according to God’s words, and heretics who mix in the church, it’s best to test them with the charismatics theology of healing, release, success and wealth. We need to see whether believers’ minds are on God’s words or on the fiery madness of charismatic sects to discern the state of their spiritual life, so that we can separate false brothers and false teachers.


Therefore, for the Charismatics, first of all, we must be vigilant, distinguish and separate, get out of the Charismatics, and don't be polluted by them. And don't try to enter the charismatics sect to win people. If you want to go deep into the tiger's den to change and transform the charismatics sect, it will not only be futile, but even make you an enemy of God. In these last days, God allows the prostitution and corruption of charismatics sects to rise up and proliferate in order to distinguish the wheat from the tares from the fake.



8. We must bravely and resolutely expose the errors and evils of the Charismatics


With regard to the mistakes of the Charismatics, should we expose them, make their mistakes public, and teach people how to resist and discern? It is very contradictory. Because on the one hand, this is what the Lord Jesus told us a long time ago. He not only said it himself, but also the apostles continued to tell us that this happened long ago in God’s destiny. It is these people who do not love the truth. God gave them a wrong heart and made them believe in lies in order to prepare the way for the great sinner. Now is the end of the world, and now there will be many people who will prepare the way for the great sinner. Charismatics is the power that prepares the way for the great sinner in the church. The preparation of the way for the great sinner can be divided into inside and outside the church. In the world, there are other group forces, such as the New Age Movement and the Gay Movement. So if we continue to expose their problems, will it hinder God's will? Because our greatest wish in this life is for the Lord Jesus to come soon, which is the same as the last sentence in the Apocalypse of old John, "Lord, I wish You to come!" So this is our conflict again. then what should we do? Therefore, we often have some conflicts in our hearts, that is, should we write, should we speak, should we expose the errors of the Charismatics?


At the end of Deuteronomy, Moses said, "I know that after I die, you will be completely corrupted, and you will deviate from the way I commanded you, do what is evil in the sight of the Lord, provoke him to anger with the works of your hands, and disasters will come to you in the future." He knew that the Israelites would not listen to his repeatedly and earnestly inculcations, but he faithfully recorded God's commandments and exhorted the people earnestly. The apostle John got the scroll of God’s judgment and salvation in the Book of Revelation. Even though he knew that eating the scroll would make his stomach ache, because it meant that he clearly saw that countless people, including his relatives and compatriots, would be judged by God and go to hell, damned to perdition, He still had to obey the command to eat the scroll and faithfully preach the message of God’s judgment. We also clearly know that if we believe in the Lord Jesus, we must admit that thousands of our ancestors are in Hades waiting to be judged in the lake of fire (Psalm 9:17). However, can we discount God’s words a little bit, modify it a bit, say that we are justified by love, and allow Confucius and Lei Feng who do not believe in Jesus to enter the kingdom of heaven? We preach the word of God not to please people, but to obey God.


Although it is difficult for the core and hardcore fans of the Charismatics to repent, there are still many unbelievers who are in danger of being captured by the Charismatics and losing the opportunity to know the Savior Jesus Christ. There are also many Christians who have already believed in the Lord but are still young in life, they cannot discern the mistakes of the Charismatics, who do not know how to be vigilant against the temptations of evil spirits, they are in danger of being devoured at any time. God's will is "No matter what, always save some people." God answered the prophet Elijah, saying, I leave for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal. In this generation, the Lord Jesus foretold that many people will stumble and be deceived, but no matter how crooked, perverted and dark the generation is, God will leave seven thousand people for Himself. Those who do not bow the knee to Baal will not bow the knee to the God of Wealth and idols. They are under the lure of the Charismatics, a threat that is very real today. They also need to know the deceptions and lies of the charismatics and the wiles of the devil. True charismatics do not repent. What we speak, preach, and write are for the seven thousand whom God has left for His name. Let the just be righteous still, the unrighteous still be unrighteous, the holy be holy still, and the filthy be filthy still. The 7,000 people chosen by God and left behind have the inspiration of the Holy Spirit within them regarding the issue of the Charismatics, and the Holy Spirit within them will warn them to resist and stay away from the Charismatics, but they lack knowledge of the Charismatics in terms of knowledge. They feel that the Charismatics are wrong, but they don’t know what’s wrong, how deep and far-reaching they are. They want to reject the Charismatics’ laying on of hands, but they feel that they can’t push back. For the sake of these 7,000 people, we have the responsibility to expose the errors we know about the Charismatics, to wake them up, and to help them discern.


Chinese Version










































































































